Should you get an inspection on a new Home?

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Real Estate

Without a doubt....

Not to scare you but the process of constructing a home today leaves "gaps" that could lead to major problems going undetected.

Essentially, there are a number of different companies that are providing trade services for the builder: site work, masons, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, sheetrockers, roofers, painters etc. These trades people are usually on site for only a few days before moving on to the next work site. They are focused on getting the job done and moving on....often at the expense of compromising quality.

Unless you walk the roof, crawl through the attic, pull the breaker panel and know what you are looking for there is a good likelyhood that missing roof tile, piggy backed breakers, and black mold will be overlooked.  All of these and many more problems have been detected by inspectors of newly constructed homes.

Yes, you should be able to rely on a new home and its warranty but the fact of the matter is most big problems go undetected....until it's too late!

The builder will make a big case for you not needing an really, why do you think this is?

Building inspectors will not catch everything.

Always, always, always get an inspection, new home or pre-owned. It's better to find anything the builder over looked prior to closing because you can then include the inspectors findings on your punch list of things to be completed before closing. Once you close, it can be a challenge to get some builders back out to address the problems.

Play it safe and have an inspection or you can always roll the dice!